CERD Cities 2022: Using International Law to Advance Racial Justice in our Cities
In August 2022, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD Committee) examined the U.S. record of compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD or CERD). This review saw unprecedented mobilization from U.S. civil society, and their work contributed to a powerful document that can help us call on governments at city and state levels to bring their practices in line with international expectations and obligations. Our work ahead will help "bring CERD home" to our cities and help residents and public officials learn about this important global process.
The CERD Committee’s Concluding Observations details recommendations that the U.S. government is expected to respond to by November 2025 or earlier (several issues require responses after one year).
Summary of how CERD Committee's Recommendations apply to local jurisdictions -This guide prepared by HRCA volunteers will help advocates identify relevant sections of the CERD Committee report to use in their work.
City Shadow Reports & Related documentation
A Cross-City Report on Obstacles to U.S. Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination & how Human Rights Cities Can be a Remedy (Outreach version, U.S. Human Rights Cities Alliance) (UN Database version)
Racial Discrimination & Equity in the United States: Evidence from Pittsburgh (Outreach version) (UN Database version)
Racial Discrimination & Equity in the United States: Evidence from Spartanburg, SC compiled by the Ubuntu Institute for Community Development (UN Database version)
**Recording of the U.S. State Department delegation consultation with civil society representatives at the U.S. Mission in Geneva, August 10, 2022: This recording and the supplemental documentation was released following pressure from civil society leaders demanding more transparency in U.S. engagement with UN proceedings like CERD. ‘’*The final 90 minutes of the recording shows voices of impacted community groups standing up to demand time and space in this forum.’’
supplemental submission by the U.S. Government to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination following the U.S. review: ‘’This document responds to specific questions and concerns raised by the Committee in the review’’
Aug. 11, 2022 CERD Committee Consultation with the USA -This 90 Min. session features introductory presentations from the U.S. delegation to CERD, including representatives from the Dept. of Justice, HUD, EPA, and other key agencies. This is followed by questions and analyses from CERD Committee experts, who reviewed U.S. reports and offer follow up questions and assessments of performance. Their assessments are based on input from civil society such as our own shadow reports, and you will see some of the issues we raised addressed in their remarks. The final segment provides brief responses from U.S. officials to the questions raised.
Aug. 12, 2022 CERD Committee Consultation with the USA This session begins with 1 hour of questions from the CERD Committee-addressing, e.g. gun violence, policing and legal system, housing, food and education, child welfare, maternal and reproductive health.
Additional documentation from the 107th Session CERD (8 - 30 Aug 2022)